Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tyra and Spencer

I'm really excited about these pictures because they are of my sister!  These are the film ones, I'll get the digital ones up in a bit.

I have been using Fujifilm Pro 400H film, but on this trip I decided to try the (fairly) new Kodak Portra 400 film, and I'll tell you what, I'm converted.  I have a couple more rolls of the Fujifilm, but from here on out, I'm buying Kodak Portra!  This film is PHENOMENAL!  The details are amazing, but what really blew me away was the color rendition.  Look at them and tell me the colors aren't amazing!

Also, for the B+W, I used Kodak TMAX 100.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Email Problems

Just so that everyone knows, I've been experiencing some difficulties with my email server.  I have not been receiving emails for a couple days now.  If you need to contact me, for now just call me at 385-208-0754 for now.  I'm trying to get the email back up as soon as possible.  Thanks.

UPDATE:  So I changed my mail server and everything is up and running.  My email address continues to be mike@pomazalphoto.com

New Profile Picture, Once again

It's about that time to put in yet another Profile Picture.